What Are the Top 7 Leadership Theories?-The Ultimate Guide

People have different opinions about leadership, and experts have devised several theories. What are the top 7 leadership theories that you should know? All these theories were formulated in different circumstances.

Let us discuss the top 7 theories and look at leadership from different aspects and according to other people’s opinions.

Top 7 Leadership Theories

The following list will let you know what the top 7 leadership theories are.

1. Contingency Theory

It says that there are no single methods or a few methods you have to follow to be a good leader. Instead, it will worsen the situation, and you will have to bear the severe loss.

Every situation has different needs, content, and solutions, so it’s the responsibility of an excellent leader to assess the situation to its core and think about it.

Then devise a solution that he thinks is best for this problem. Moreover, he must verify that solution fulfills whether it fulfills all requirements of the situation or not.

Along with these benchmarks, you must also ensure that your decision will not put the company at a loss in the future. Instead, it will maintain its growth rate or increase it.

2. Situational Leadership Theory

There are many similarities between situation and contingency theory. According to this theory, you cannot declare one leadership style the best, and there is not only one successful leader.

It does not matter what is his leadership style if his company is successful; it means that he is leading the situation successfully, and there is nothing wrong with its guidance.

Because every situation demands different decision-making and leadership styles, the quality that must be in a good leader is that he should know how to judge things from various aspects. Then, he devises the best decision according to his judgments.

3. Transformation Leadership Theory

It is also known as relation theory because it revolves around the relationship between leader and followers. In it, we discuss the leader that considers his followers’ skills and their development necessary.

He will give his extra time and effort to try to change their thinking style and try his best to introduce them to new ideas, new world, and tricks to go along with the modern world and compete with them in the future.

Thus, when he produces all these transformations in them, they better understand the strategy and implement it so that the company grows. Your reputation becomes better in the marketplace.

This theory is given very much credit because, according to it, the leader not only focuses on the team’s overall performance but makes sure every individual is trained and has good progress. Must talk about this theory if you are ever asked what are the top 7 leadership theories.

4. Great Man Theory of Leadership

At an early age, it was considered that not everyone could be a leader. Because his characteristics are natural, thus all those people who have natural qualities of communication, humbleness, decision-making, confidence, and intellect can be good leaders. It is known as the fantastic man theory of leadership.

It was very heartbreaking for people who want to be leaders but have weaknesses in specific areas of leading. Society was never ready to embrace such people as leaders.

There was no concept of taking classes and lecturers to improve leadership skills in that time, but it was left on nature. Thus many people who can be great leaders were never given a chance.

5. Transactional Theories

What are the top 7 leadership theories? The transactional theory is at number 5, and it is also known as management and exchange leadership theories. It is very different from other theories and is based on rewards and punishment.

 In it, leaders judge workers’ performance very critically, and if they see that someone is doing an excellent job and will raise the company to new heights of success, they will award him an outstanding prize.

This will boost his confidence, and he will work harder to achieve the best status. Furthermore, this will create the urge in other workers to work hard and do something extraordinary.

On the other hand, a worker is doing very badly, he does not fulfill his duties or remains absent from the office for the days, he will be given punishment so he can mend his way start performing better.

In other words, they will try their best to protect themselves from such punishments and maintain a good reputation.

6. Trait Theory of Leadership

It also said that some inherent characteristics make a person a good leader, like confidence, communication, social aptitude, etc. Leadership skills can ever be learned from the surrounding.

It was widely accepted, but now it has limited scope because the following questions arise; many people possess the personality traits like confidence, good communication skills, intellect, but they are not leaders.

On the other hand, some people are leaders and lead things very well; but they lack specific characteristics listed in the trait theory of leadership.

Again, it is not appreciated because we limit leadership characteristics to a few people’s personality traits and discourage others by saying they do not have leadership abilities, so you can never lead things successfully.

7. Behavioral Theory

It has a different approach towards leadership; it does not subject the thinking, judgment, and decision-making qualities. In other words, it does not say that a person who has leadership skills naturally will be a good leader.

But in it, they focus that anyone can be a good leader if he is given proper training. Thus, if you want to become a leader, you can take different courses to be a good leader.

Moreover, there are many institutes where you have to perform different tasks, which give you the chance to practice many things having a powerful impact on your leadership skills.

You cannot learn all leadership skills from one person, and it is better to go and have a chit-chat with leaders of all levels and listen to their speeches and experience. You will get to know a lot. Now you have got the answer of what are the top 7 leadership theories.

Final Words

All these theories approach leadership differently; for example, a few say it is based on a person’s natural traits; however, the behavioral theory claims that these skills can be learned.

With time different people have given theories, and many new outlooks were introduced. However, decision-making, communication skills, integrity, and social aptitude are included in all approaches.

Because these are essential skills and if you lack any of them you can learn it. Thank you for your visit!