About us


Welcome to wikisme.com!

Herein Wikisme or WIKI for Small and mid-size enterprises, business, (SME), we share useful information, tips, and advice with simple explanations, intentionally in the layman term, along with practical examples that hopefully could help not only the small businesses but also medium and large entities, in other words, Small and mid-size enterprises (SME) to improve their business through the articles that we are sharing.

There are many educational topics that we are covering, including but not limited to,

  1. SWOT Analysis,
  2. Business Model,
  3. Business Analysis,
  4. Business Process,
  5. Business Review,
  6. Business Strategy,
  7. Guidance on How to get the license
  8. Guidance on How to run the small business ., et.

At Wikisme, we also recommend good products, software, app, and services based on the experiences that we gain and the information and data that we do research.

Thanks again for being here and if you have any opportunities, pls reach out at the contact us page. And if you want to use information, data, or any concern on our blog, please study our privacy page.
